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Congress Considers Rental Assistance Program Reform
Congress Considers Rental Assistance Program Reform

Recently, the House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) passed H.R. 5196. The bill reforms the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) and redefines how state and local grantees should structure their programs and distribute federal rental assistance dollars. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted10/15/2021

Supreme Court Halts Biden Eviction Moratorium
Supreme Court Halts Biden Eviction Moratorium

The Supreme Court on Thursday night blocked the Biden administration’s new eviction ban, in a ruling that left millions of Americans at risk of losing their homes during the pandemic. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted08/26/2021

Your Help is Immediately Needed!
Your Help is Immediately Needed!

NAA filed a lawsuit in the US Court of Federal Claims on behalf of apartment owners seeking to recover billions of dollars in lost rental damages from federal eviction moratorium. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted08/23/2021

CDC Issues Another New Eviction Order
CDC Issues Another New Eviction Order

At the direction of the President, the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a new, limited federal eviction moratorium through October 3rd. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted08/3/2021

Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Eviction Prevention Efforts
Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Eviction Prevention Efforts

President Biden is taking further action to prevent Americans from experiencing the heartbreak of eviction. Thanks to State eviction moratoria, almost 33% of the country will be spared evictions for the rest of this month. But in the remaining States, action is needed. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted08/2/2021

New Search Tool for Rental Assistance Funds
New Search Tool for Rental Assistance Funds

The Rental Assistance Finder was designed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to help renters and housing providers find their local program and apply for assistance. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted08/1/2021

NAA Lawsuit Resources Toolkit
NAA Lawsuit Resources Toolkit

The National Apartment Association (NAA) will soon file a lawsuit against the federal government seeking compensation for business losses suffered under the unlawful U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) eviction moratorium. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted07/21/2021

Administration Rolls Out New Rental Assistance Guidelines
Administration Rolls Out New Rental Assistance Guidelines

With the new monetary allocation, USDT released updated guidance which contains new program requirements for grantees who distribute rental assistance. Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted05/11/2021

Resources and Guidance Dealing with Coronavirus
Resources and Guidance Dealing with Coronavirus

Below is links of Resources and information about the Covid-19 We are here to help in anyway we can. Please contact email us for questions at or In Need of Assistance? List of local Shops, Restaurants, and Attractions that are doing delivery,... Continue Reading

Postedby Karey Landers
Date posted03/24/2020