February Supplier Council

In Person and Zoom Options Available

Thursday, February 4, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (CST)

Get caught up on what is going on in the AACO, in the OKC multi-family industry and network with your supplier peers.

We are back in person!!!!

While we are excited to be back in person we understand not everyone is comfortable with this option or allowed to meet in person, so we will also have an option to connect

to the meeting on Zoom. Our in person option is limited to 20 people and registration is required.

Those not registered will not be allowed to attend in person.

These are the rules set by the restuarant. Mask (while not eating) will be required as well

as making an effort to socially distance. 

By participating in any event I agree and acknowledge that I am undertaking participation in Apartment Association of Central Oklahoma (AACO events and activities as my own free and intentional act and am fully aware that possible physical injury or illness might occur to me as a result of my participation in these events. I give this acknowledgement freely and knowingly and that I am, as result, able to participate in AACO events and I do herby assume responsibility for my own well-being. I agree to hold AACO harmless in the event that I incur any physical or mental injury, including illness, that might be attributed to my participation in the event.
If you are feeling sick or have COVID-19 symptoms, or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend. Learn more about symptoms, definition of close contact and when to quarantine at www.cdc.gov.

For More Information:

Wyatt Jones

Wyatt Jones

Account Manager , Integrity Flooring, LLC

View Profile
