Education Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (CDT)

Providing quaility education to our membership is one of the main focuses of the AACO. The Education Committee takes a look at the local multi-family housing landscape and industry trends to determine what education is in the most demand. After determining the need, committee members will work on the logistics of providing that education to our market including promotion of the events, securing educators, and approprate venues.

We need your input. Help decide what classes the AACO brings to our membership.

To join a committee click HERE

Committee Chairs

Chair: Lita Vesely, First Choice Management 

Co-Chair: Jessica Bustillos, Northstar Properties 

For More Information:

Lita Vesely

Lita Vesely


Central Support Analyst, First Choice Management Group

View Profile
